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Post #160715544484

Date Originally Posted: April 2nd, 2017

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I, a lesbian, try to speak up, and I get silenced by other lesbians.

Fuck this.

Terfs are cowards and are a lost cause.

They are whiny entitled asswipes who thinks they need a specific little space for everyone, while splitting the movement.

I’m going to go cuddle my GIRLFRIEND and love my family instead of wasting my time fighting with people with cult behavior.

But right.

Trans people are the cult.


I’m not going to actively argue much anymore. I’m just going to reblog posts I agree with.


You’re not a lesbian. You’re literally not. If you’re attracted to/dating a male person (which is what trans women are) then you’re not a lesbian. For fuck’s sake, words mean things. You can date your girlfriend, nobody is stopping you, but you’re not a lesbian and no matter how many times you call yourself a lesbian, you won’t be one.



I am though.

I’m homosexual. I’m sexually and romantically attracted to people of the same gender.

That’s what it means. The sexual is the TYPE of attraction. Not that your sexually attracted to the same genitals.

God. How many trans men have Terfs dated, and still call themselves lesbians, even though they’re risking more than just “hurt feelings.”

Misgender a trans person enough and they very well may kill themself.

There are actual statistics and research. Not just the claims of trans people.

I’ll reblog a post about it.


Except that isn’t what homosexual means. HomoSEXual means attracted to people of the same SEX. Lesbians are females who are exclusively attracted to other females. Trans women literally aren’t female, that’s an objective fact.


uwuw im sucking super feminine girly dick uwuwuwu** when hecums on my face i feel SO GAY! !!!!! !!!


What the fuck is wrong with you……


girl cant even drink no more jesus dang !!!


I am very uncomfortable with what you had said... like... wtf...


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