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TERF Records is for the archival of hate speech from trans-exclusionary radical feminists and those who align themselves with gender-critical ideology. Hate speech includes racism, sexism/misogyny, classism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc. The things collected here are not exclusive to transphobia and transmisogyny, although there will be a heavy focus on those prejudices.


Originally, TERF Records was a blog on Tumblr; however, the blog got taken down from the hate speech depicted on it. The blog began in April 2017 and was taken down in February 2023. The blog was backed up in HTML in January 2021, so two years of data were lost, but not all of it. All records from that HTML will be under the category of "old blog" along with the general archival category.

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Ableism: Negative and prejudiced attitudes towards disabled people. Including a feeling of superiority over the group.


  • Mad ableism: Negative and prejudiced attitudes towards mentally or psychiatrically disabled people. Including a feeling of superiority over the group.

  • Crip ableism: Negative and prejudiced attitudes towards physically disabled people. Including a feeling of superiority over the group.

Against Transition: Being against social (change of name and pronouns, for instance) or medical transition (like hormone replacement therapy) of trans people

Anti-Semitism: Negative and prejudiced attitudes towards Jewish people. Including a feeling of superiority over the group.

Aphobia: Negative and prejudiced attitudes towards asexual and/or aromantic people. Including a feeling of superiority over the group.

Biphobia: Negative and prejudiced attitudes towards bisexual people. Including a feeling of superiority over the group.

Colorism: Negative and prejudiced attitudes towards people with darker or non-light skin tones and viewing those with lighter skin tones as superior.

Conspiracy Theories: General ignorance to the degree that they form theories based on false perceptions. It may be a typical theory shared by a group or a theory developed by an individual.

Death Mention: Death is mentioned in the content in any way, shape, or form.

Death Wish: The act of wishing or supporting the death of a person or group of people.

Doxxing: The act of revealing someone's personal information, such as name, address, phone number, etc., online.

Enbyphobia: Negative and prejudiced attitudes towards nonbinary people. Including a feeling of superiority over the group.

Ex-radfem: Content is about or was made by an ex-radfem.

General Ignorance: Someone being unknowledgeable about a topic and acting like they have the correct information.

Homophobia: Negative attitudes towards people attracted to the same gender or same sex. This will include the refusal to accept trans people as gay/lesbian and the refusal to accept cis gay/lesbian people who date trans women, including a feeling of superiority over the group.

Interphobia: Negative and prejudiced attitudes towards intersex people. Including a feeling of superiority over the group. Common examples include:

  • Believing that intersex people are "too rare" to care about.

  • Thinking that intersexuality is inherently pathological.

  • Degrading someone for their intersex traits and questioning their gender or sexual identity because of said traits.

Islamophobia: Negative and prejudiced attitudes towards Islam and Muslims. Including a feeling of superiority over the group.

JK Rowling: Posts and actions done by JK Rowling.

Lesbophobia: Negative and prejudiced attitudes towards lesbians. Including a feeling of superiority over the group.

Misgendering: Support of or active misgendering of a person.

Misogynoir: Negative and prejudiced attitudes towards Black women. Including a feeling of superiority over the group.

Misogynistic Bullshit: Negative and prejudiced attitudes towards women. Also includes benevolent sexism.

Panphobia: Negative and prejudiced attitudes towards pansexual people. Including a feeling of superiority over the group.

Queerphobia: Negative attitudes and prejudices towards people who identify as queer. Including a feeling of superiority over the group.

Racism: Negative and prejudiced attitudes towards people of color or people of different ethnicities. Including a feeling of superiority over the group.

Rape Mention: Rape is mentioned in the content in any way, shape, or form.

Rape Wish: Wishing or supporting rape against a person or group.

Transmisogyny: Intersection of misogyny and transphobia. It is not simply transphobia against trans women.

Transphobia: Most posts will be tagged with this because they depict prejudice and negative attitudes towards trans people, including a feeling of superiority over the group.

Violence Mention: Violence is mentioned in the content in any way, shape, or form.

Violence Wish: Wishing or supporting violence against a person or group.

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