Originally Posted: May 3rd, 2017
The original post was in screenshots taken over Tumblr messages. The reformatted post is in text only and screenshots without alt text are at the end.
Reformatted Post:
We aren't transphobic, we simply state our opinions. We don't 'hate' trans people
Just here to inform you that many of those opinions are, in fact, transphobic. You don't need to directly hate on trans people to be transphobic, and many of the things you have states are, in fact, the very statements that causes oppression in the trans community. You use slurs, say we shouldn't be able to go in the right bathroom because it's "uncomfortable for the cis" despite the fact cis people force trans people into uncomfortable situation far more often than a trans person does.
Saying that women do not want to go to the bathroom with potential rapists pretending to be trans is 'transphobic' now? You obviously do not care about the rights or safety of cis women, so why should we care about trans problems?
there has never actually been an account of an actual trans person rapeing someone in a bathroom. rapists need to be disposed of in another fashion, especially considering the fact that trans people are targeted in the bathroom far more than cis women. Forget cis people, people who use slurs shouldnt be allowed to define transphobia.
By that logic gay men shouldn't be allowed in male bathrooms bc they could
potentially rape a man" Umm men are equally matched most of the time and itd be MUCH harder for a woman to fight off a trans attacker than what you're trying to say??
Also, using the N word and placing an asterisk in place of the i is STILL saying the N
word, you dolt. And neither of the mod's on this blog condone racism. Racism is a legitimate issue, homophobia is a legitimate issue, transphobia is nowhere near that scale
Holy fuck are you serious
are you fucking serious
How is it not on that scale? how?
And the simple fact was that I was not using the N word to describe black people, I was using it as an example of oppression. You, on the other hand, use Tr*nny to describe trans people. You act like we aren't oppressed at all. like we have no reason to lash out.
when you, yourself, are proving whv we lash out.
Real trans people know that 'Tranny' is not a slur. Just admit you're only 'trans' because it's the latest trend
- a Cis person, who has never experienced being trans, and never will thinks they can say what is a slur and what isn't. What has the world come to
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