Date Posted: April 25th, 2017
Link to Post - Last Updated March 14th, 2023
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So she is doubling down on her stupid here
Claiming that only a few lesbian refusing to date bisexual women is why so many are with men. REALLY AS IF BIWOMEN DON’T EXIST OR LIKE MANY LESBIAN DO INFACT DATE BISEXUAL LIKE ALL HER FEMALE EXES according to HER.
Yeah NO take lesbians “REFUSING to date” anyone - out of yr DISCOURSE & VOCAB COMPLETELY.
Homophobe doesn’t even understand she is being a homophobe while continuing saying stupid homophobic nonsense.
THERE is no hope for some HetBi’s to give up their entitlement to lesbians.
Honestly while I agree with someone who said this entire thing is sad, which it really is, these kind of reactions from bi women makes me less sympathetic because y'all deflect and deflect and deflect and lesbians always end up being blamed for your self contradictory BS. She said in her original post that she thinks bi women end up with men because of lesbians who don’t date bi women, thus she excludes other bi women from her dating pool. Now she is saying that bi women are shamed for dating men and saying the reason they do is because no one wants to date bi women which apparently she doesn’t herself…..? Something is not adding up. Like you have the very view of bi women you’re accusing lesbians of having, and if she looked at my post she would see other bi women have the same views of bi women she seems to think lesbians are responsible for. :| Holy shit.
Poor lesbophobe having a panic attack…’s almost like you’re gonna get what you deserve for spewing lesbophobic shit left and right day and night.
The solution here is VERY simple: shut the fuck up about lesbians forever if you can’t handle being called out on your lesbophobia.
And like, I have a REALLY simple solution for bi women who feel ~shamed and hated~ for dating men: GO OUTSIDE. Watch a movie! Read a book! Watch television! Flip through a magazine! Literally interact in any way, shape or form with society at large! It ALL glorifies women dating men and loving men and being attracted to men! You will find representations EVERYWHERE of women dating men! You will find reinforcement that dating men is right and good and amazing and the thing women should do!
Fucking hell, these bihet assholes act like it’s the JOB of lesbians to reinforce that it’s okay for them to date men and to reassure them that no, no, it’s okay, date men! Like we don’t get taught enough, over and over, in our everyday lives, that het is best and that the only okay way to be in a relationship is to be in a heterosexual relationship, now we have to wipe bi asses and reinforce that message in our personal time and space as well? Fuck that.
its not that we feel shamed – its that we are attracted to women and can’t be with women because single bisexual women are a minority and not that easy to find, and lesbian women don’t want anything to do with us. like let us talk about it without being an asshole??
i fuking love women so much but the whole lesbian community is repulsed at my existence and it sucks?
were not forcing shit on you just talking about how much it sucks to be attracted to women and also hated by women who love women
I have a solution why don’t you bisexual women just date each other problem solved now you won’t have to worry about lesbians rejecting you. Most of you say all the time that most women are bisexual anyway.