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GNC Trans Positivity Tumblr Post

Date of the original post: December 18th, 2022

Date of the Incident: April 8-9th, 2023


Reformatted version of Post:


butch lesbian trans women & fem gay trans guys should get 1 billion dollars each. for holding up society


You want to…thank…gender conforming straight people?


can i help you


Fellas, it gender conforming to have your gender identity under even more scrutiny by everyone for the way you express yourself?


Fellas is it gender conforming to happily conform to the gender roles and stereotypes associated with your sex? Oh wait yes it is


Dressing masculine when you have a beard and male on all your legal documents doesn't get me any of the disadvantages it'd give to women while dressing fem would make it obvious that I'm lgbtq in some way and can get me harassed or hurt.

There's also the recent history and current issues of only allowing straight and gender conforming (masc trans man that loves women) to transition and actively barred anyone who did not meet that explicit conformity because they don't want to create more gay people! That combined with the frantic "they're converting our gays to be straight!" Coming from the same people who insist that gay trans people are straight and acknowledge that issue. Both groups can't be straight and gender conforming, pick one and stick to it.

Basically, you're applying the norms of cis people to trans people and it makes you look stupid.


How are you this incoherent on the regular and not worried that maybe there is something wrong with you?

I mean, I don't get me wrong, I see a good number of "radfems" who display very clear menthol illness, but I only see this level of sheer incoherence from tras. It's like being Judith Butlered but by a chatbot.


I have diagnosed adhd on the severe end that I can't fully medicate due to other disabilities so yeah... its called being neurodivergent. I have trouble putting my thoughts into words because my working memory doesn't like to work.

Most people just tell me to try and clarify or point out what they don't understand. It's pretty easy to be decent and not be ableist about it.



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