Date Originally Posted: April 9th, 2023
Reformatted Post:
I know testosterone when I see it, and I can tell you will certainty, @lostelvenqueen is FUMING with it— you can almost smell it
Yes because everyone creates both major hormone sets.
Smelling, yeah you seem that kind of a kink added in with everything else.
Not i'm a sniffing fetishist now 💀
You brought it up.
Same as all your other issues.
"I know testosterone when I see it" - claims terfs are against stereotypes but openly pushes disproven shit
Ew omg it's the sex worker tranny fucker I argued with last time I spoke to elven queen
Hey King HYD 😁
Lol that went from 0 to 100 real fast
@turnerssyndrometomboy check out this real feminist
Hey, OP? You lot love to act like you aren’t just a trans hate group and if you want less people to see you are full of shit about that, you might want to start by not using literal slurs against trans people lmao. Demonising sex workers on top of that just also gives away that you aren’t actually a feminist.
Also? You might want to not demonise testosterone if you want people to genuinely think you care about intersex women, as many of you claim. Really lets the intersex women with high T levels see that you’re just a bio essentialist fuck that’s full of shit otherwise :)

I’m literally afab lmao but i like being called masc stuff so thanks for the gender euphoria, “we can always tell” person 🥰

bro do you really think I would have directly told you, someone I know is transphobic, my assigned gender if being called female particularly bothered me? 💀 get better insults lmao, and thanks for proving your original post wrong and that don’t care about people you insist are women if they don’t agree with you 🥰
oh and if you don’t have an argument? maybe just stop responding next time 💀
Sure, ma'am. So long as you know your worth, which is nothing 💖

you mean like how your crowd cried bc nike partnered with a trans person who has done nothing but exist as a trans person? 💀
Thanks for telling me this, as now, I know Nike is sexist, so I won't be buying from them :)
Point proven 💀
In all seriousness: i know you’re a gnc man. I hope you realise soon enough that this edgelord routine and throwing people under the bus who are a huge part of the reason you are allowed to be gnc isn’t going to ever get you picked. The conservatives you’re buddying up with have already started coming after you too, bud.
Actually transgender is erasing GNC people, convincing them that they're not meant to be the sex they were born as simply because you stereotypically have more in common with the opposite sex. Do you like your nails painted? Must be a girl now. Makeup? Must be a girl now. Long hair? Must be a girl now. Legs crossed? Must be a girl now. Pink? Must be a girl now.
And the most ironic thing is that I have sex dysphoria myself, and have been diagnosed with GID before the DSM made the shit brained move to remove it for the sake of feelings. Watching people like you go around and encourage a mental illness that has been a flame under my ass since childhood, well, you can go fuck yourself.
Funny how the only people who have ever called me a boy for how I present are cis people 🤔 trans people respected me when I identified as a gnc woman and they respect me now I don’t too.
And they didn’t remove shit from the DSM lmao, gender dysphoria is still in there. And funny, I’ve had my own struggles too but it didn’t turn me into some spiteful pick me ~edgelord~. Sorry but don’t take your internalised shit out on me or my friends 🤷🏻