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Post #160475432534

Date Originally Posted: November 23rd, 2016 (Last addition, November 26th, 2016)

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“But what if the transwoman passed really, really well? What if she was really petite and feminine and had been on hormones for years? How would you know, huh? HUH???“ Thanks for your concern, weirdly invested dude, but seriously? I’m a lesbian. I could be blindfolded in a dark room wearing oven mitts - I can still tell the difference between a person with a penis and one with a vagina. Tygerofaera LOLOLOLOLOL nope. Awaitingthematriarchy Erm, yeah, actually? But thanks for the input there, friend 👍 Tygerofaera Transdar’s about as real as gaydar. Awaitingthematriarchy Who needs transdar? See, I’ve got these things called eyes…and ears…and an ability to recognise male socialisation when it’s standing in front of me with its dick tucked between its legs… Femfang as a radfem i really don’t think this type of debate has any benefit whatsoever to the movement and really just makes us look dehumanizing. like. listen to yourself Class-warfare can you explain why its dehumanizing? Femfang if somebody is clearly dysphoric enough to make huge efforts to change their physical sexed appearance it seems a little goddamn vile to pick out and analyse their individual features all whilst referring to their ‘dick tucked between their legs’……… y'all need to realise that it’s the movement we oppose, not the dysphoric & suffering people caught in the middle Tygerofaera Apparently for some here awaitingthematriarchy using it as a reference to trans folks isn’t dehumanizing, nor the way it’s used so casually by her. And then there’s still the assumptions of her ablility to discern trans women which is still pretty laughable as much as it’s transphobic in spirit. Swerfin-n-terfin Ok but we still don’t want dick, no matter how dysphoric it’s owner is it how much “effort” that person put into looking female. Tygerofaera And you literally don’t get to speak for inclusive lesbians, you get to speak solely for yourself. And you also have zero right to be lesbophobic and reassign inclusive lesbians their sexualities. Then there’s the loads of anatomical assumptions you folks come up with along with loads of others. And you seem pretty okay with the easy use of people being called IT. Awaitingthematriarchy There is no such thing as a dick inclusive lesbian. Just…stop. The word ‘lesbian’ doesn’t stop meaning ‘female homosexual’ just because it’s inconvenient for you. And the descriptive ‘it’ is gender neutral. Since I’m pretty sure you’d be pissy if I - ahem - misgendered (🙄) my hypothetical transwoman as a ‘he’, then I’ve only got gender neutral alternatives left. Then there’s the loads of anatomical assumptions you folks come up with along with loads of others. ‘Anatomical assumption’?! What…because I know that a biological male has a penis? Whether they tuck, let it swing free, or get it surgically reshaped, it doesn’t magically change into a vagina through the power of wishful thinking. That’s not an ‘assumption’. That’s facts, friend. Tygerofaera There’s more talking over inclusive lesbians. Simply because you don’t like the fact they exist won’t make it true. And you could have simply chosen to use they/them instead your went for using IT. Awaitingthematriarchy Homosexual means ‘sexually attracted to the same sex as oneself’, ergo you can’t be a female homosexual who likes dick. There’s already perfectly usable terms that describe women who experience sexual attraction to the opposite sex and/or both sexes. Pick one. Oh fuck off mate. Using they/them/their in a singular makes my eye twitch. But I tell you what, when you start respecting ‘lesbian’ as a term for female homosexuality instead of a meaningless free-for-all, I’ll start respecting your views on the ‘correct’ gender neutral form of address. Deal? Tygerofaera As usual you sound just like an Alt-righter when it comes to the language of simple respect. You fail at that. Just like you fail at the realization that you have zero right to assign another woman’s sexuality. Oh you can try but you’ll be a lesbophobic bigot. See there’s a debate with the actual L&G community outside the TERF polisphere bubble whether to use sex or gender and even sex and gender to describe L&G attraction. You sound like one of the professional bigots that used to be in the FB group/community Homosexuals not Homogenderals. Actually with your false and brokenly bigoted L&G vs the T I’m pretty sure you might be from those pages and groups. And you’ll never be right simply because there are trans folks of ALL the orientations and we’re not going away again. You’re just going to have to stay a bigot or woman up and deal that the world has changed and so has all the letters in the LGBTQAIPD+ Awaitingthematriarchy And as usual, you stamp your feet and start flouncing dramatically when you can’t defend your position. You demand that others respect your preferred language, but won’t extend the same courtesy to lesbians when we ask you to to respect ours. The sense of entitlement and narcissism that must take is staggering to me. Tygerofaera Inclusive respectful language and respecting it isn’t that hard but as I said your view is shared by and large by certain alt-right demographics. But nice language to try and make another woman seem unreasonable. Oooh look another behavior you share together. And I am respecting Lesbians I have lots of inclusive ones in my followers, in my life and there a whole lot more out there. I’m utterly respecting them and their status as lesbians and defending it against community policing lesbophobes such as we see in YOU and gathered under TERF politics. You are the one being closed off and controlling and right wing behaviored about this. Awaitingthematriarchy But you’re not respecting 'inclusive lesbians’. You’re promoting bisexual voices over those of homosexuals because it suits your needs better. Because ultimately, this has nothing to do with you wanting to 'fight lesphobia’ - it’s about you putting your own needs for validation over the needs of marginalised homosexual women. If you wanted to fight lesphobia, there’d be posts on your blog arguing against the straight men that fetishise and abuse lesbians. You’d be shaming men for their consumption of lesbian themed pornography. You’d be supporting women’s rights to sexual boundaries, both as individuals and as a community, even if that meant that you got excluded from some things. You’d be listening to what we say, even if it hurts your feelings, and respecting our wishes when we tell you to back off. But…you don’t. Because you don’t care about fighting lesphobia - what you care about is fighting to silence the one group of women who are prepared to say to you 'no, sorry, but you’re not one of us’. THATS what you hate. You can’t stand the fact that if female homosexuals reject you, then it means that they see you as something other than a 'real’ woman. You don’t care about lesbians - you care about fulfilling your own desperate need for validation at our expense. Tygerofaera Inclusive Lesbians aren’t Bisexual women so great triple play of Lesbophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. And you’re right I should post more supportive things but to hold my words when you dish out broken poop like your OP I’m going to say stuff back. I’m not going to let TERF political ideologies steal from people I know and people I care for. Read my blog…Pro-Woman but Anti-TERF. And I’ve far more than enough experience in the radfem and the even more damaging TERF community to know what I’m talking about. Had-to-pick-a-fight

"You hate us because you can never become us" Well people hate you because you keep forcing identities. Whether those identities are included in your group or not. I think some straight trans men wouldn't want to be called lesbian, just saying. There's nothing wrong with being lesbian of course, they just don't feel like that identity fits. I also might have read the whole fucking thing to realize that you also view trans people less than human.. nice. What you expect me to respect that? Listen, she has a point. You do so much damage to the trans community and the op is disgusting enough to prove it. Actually no, your response when someone argued was disgusting enough to prove it. You have this nice little stew of biphobia as well.. it's full of straight men and woman along with homosexual men and women.


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